World Futsal Federation

Federacion Mundial de Futsal

World Governance

The Federacion Mundial de Futsal provides the governance you are looking for, with proven international futsal by-laws and policies adopted by the best leagues in the world. Expanding on every continent we are the fastest growing governing body in the world.

Futsal Transfer Market

The Futsal Transfer Market will make its debut in the Division of Honor. FTM is a U.S. based company that consists of a list of players available for transfer, and the money moving between clubs as they contest to purchase and sell these players.

Schedules | Stats | Rankings

World Schedules

National Team Ranking

National League Statistics

World Futsal Federation



World Futsal News

World Congress is the U.S.

In the Winter of 2022, the United States will host the World Futsal Federation World Congress in Phoenix Arizona.

Worldwide Vision

To promote futsal around the world with unified governance including all national and international programs for women, men, and youth.

New Era of Futsal

The World Futsal Federation will now serve as an official governing body for the sport of (Futsal Proper IOC) complete with its own By-Laws and living Constitutions filed in the State of Arizona in the United States of America.

Worldwide Futsal

The World Futsal Federation was founded in 2012 and is owned and operated by a board of Directors, investors and private federations all over the world, for the sole purpose of promoting” FUTSAL GAME” Across the Global World.

Futsal Transfer Market

The Futsal Transfer Market consists of a list of players available for transfer, and also the money moving between clubs. It serves the futsal community worldwide. Rumors, Transfers, Money, Injuries and Results.

We connect the world of futsal players, agents, fans.

About Us

The World Futsal Federation serves as an official governing body for the sport of (Futsal Proper IOC) complete with its own By-Laws and living Constitutions filed in the State of Arizona in the United States of America. 


North America
South America

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